From the Director’s Desk, July

At 6.00 am on chilly winter mornings the best place to be is in bed with your eyes shut. But at 6.00 am each morning our team stand together in the cold darkness preparing themselves for another great day. I am in awe of my crew, and I respect the work they do. This is the time where Dutton Stormwater operators prove why we are who we are and why we are where we are. Soon the sun will shine bright again and we will dream of a bit of rain.

Here’s a picture of Masoud. I am always reminded of our resident Frenchman’s quote: “It’s only rain, you’re not gonna melt!”

Travels around Aotearoa

Our crew returned from a massive trip around the country servicing the stormwater devices for our national customers like Gull, NPD, Ryman, and The Church of the Latter-Day Saints. We are excited to announce that from March 2023 the duration of these trips will be halved.

We will be setting up a Class 3A truck in Christchurch which will be able to service any site. We have some of our best crew interested in flying the flag for Dutton Stormwater in the South Island and we are excited about the opportunity to grow our business and continue to add value to our customers in the South Island.

Goodbye to Sonny Chan

We have had to say goodbye to Sonny Chan. Sonny joined us 11 years ago when he decided to leave labouring on a farm in Hanau. He started as a Lollipop man at Victory Road on his first job and he ended up as our Health & Safety Manager. You will meet many people throughout your life, you will only ever meet one Sonny. Sonny is the best. I wish Sonny the best success, joy, and happiness for his new journey. My heart is always warm when I think of Sonny. Thank you, my friend.

Welcoming new crew

  1. Nat is helping Claire in the accounts team. Welcome.
  2. Mike has joined the Operations team and is driving our vacuum trucks. Great to have you on board.
  3. Lucie is assisting the Operations team to plan and get work done. She is clear and very organised. Welcome.
  4. Grant has come in to run the sales department. Full disclosure – Grant has been on my radar for many years. The time is obviously right.
  5. Alok is a great Vaccum Truck Operator with a sunny attitude. What a great fit for our team.
  6. Rupinder is a versatile technician who can drive a truck. I am so happy to have him on board.
  7. Amy has been with us a while but has never been in front of Roman with the camera. Amy is super-efficient and amazing at asking customers to pay.

I want to wish you all the best until our next newsletter.

Thank you to our customers for your loyalty.

Thank you to our suppliers for working with us.

Thank you to our trucks for working so hard.

Thank you to my staff for directing our trucks.

Thank you.
