Litta Trap™ Installation & Servicing
The LittaTrap is an award-winning catchpit insert designed to be easily retrofitted into new and existing stormwater catchpits to specifically target litter, leaves and gross pollutants, capturing them at source and preventing them from accumulating in our waterways.
The LittaTrap is also effective as a pre-treatment device for use in a treatment train with hydrodynamic separators, filtration devices, ponds and wetlands. In many cases, it is often the most practical solution for retrofits.
As stormwater enters a storm grate or catchpit, it passes through the filter bag. Litter, debris, and other pollutants larger than the filterbag aperture are captured and retained. If the filterbag is full or during high flows, the overflow is released through the overflow apertures.
Dutton Stormwater carries out all aspects of Litta Trap maintenance from installation to cleaning regularly. During maintenance contaminants will be removed from the filter bags and disposed of by us.
We were very proud to be part of Foodstuffs intiative to install 125 Litta Traps in their locations – read more.
Dutton Stormwater will:
- Complete all health and safety procedures and documentation
- Remove the filter bag, clear the contents and give it a clean
- Water blast the unit clean
- Inform the customer of any repairs or replacements neededs
- Dispose of the waste at an approved environmental disposal facility
- Complete a service report for your records.

As well as cleaning your filters, Dutton Stormwater will clean the cess-pit sump below the filters to ensure fine contaminants do not enter our waterways
Enviropod Cleaning & Maintenance
Enviropods are installed into cesspits to remove a high percentage of gross pollutants and suspended solids. They capture and retain litter, suspended solids and other gross pollutants as runoff enters the storm drain system.
In addition to being a standalone treatment device for small catchment areas, Enviropods are effective as a pre-treatment device for use in a treatment train with hydrodynamic separators, filtration, ponds and wetlands.
The enviropod is highly effective if it is maintained. A full enviropod will not allow water through it and there will be flooding. Dutton Stormwater carries out all aspects of Enviropod maintenance from cleaning the bags to sourcing and installing replacement bags.
Enviropod filters require maintenance every three to twelve months, depending on the site conditions, pit depth and the number of vehicle movements. The frequency of maintenance services will be reviewed by Dutton Stormwater at the completion of each service.
During maintenance contaminants will be removed from the filter bags and disposed of by us.
Dutton Stormwater will:
- Complete all health and safety procedures and documentation
- Remove the filter bag, clear the contents and give it a clean
- Water blast the unit clean
- Replace damaged Enviropod cages or bags
- Dispose of the waste at an approved environmental disposal facility
- Complete a service report for your records.